Thursday, September 23, 2010

DVR: NOT the Death of the TV Commercial.

Digital video recorder's (DVR) are not stealing as many commercials as was previously speculated.  A recent study co-authored by a Duke University professor expected to find that homes with DVR's affected consumers' shopping behavior.  The study actually found that there was virtually no difference in shopping behavior in homes with DVR's and in homes without them.

The researchers involved studied data from a three-year study of homes that were given a DVR and ones that weren't.  The researches studied the purchases of new products, advertised products, and store brands in 50 separate categories.  What was found is that the difference between the cases was negligible.

Some speculation as to this outcome involves the notion that households with DVR's still watch 95% of their TV "live," so they actually have a limited ability to fast forward or skip commercials.  Others have speculated that TV watchers merely change channels or go to the kitchen for a snack.  

Whatever the case may be, there is still hope for the TV commercial.  Unfortunately, according to a 2006 survey by the Association of National Advertisers 60% of advertisers planned to cut TV spending due to the DVR.  Hopefully this information will resonate with advertisers and all will not be lost.  

The fall of the TV commercial, it would appear, was not a very far one, and it might just have the strength to stand back up.  It seems that the speculated decline of the TV commercial might have partially been perpetuated by a self fulfilling prophecy.  Given the technological advancements and combined social annoyance of the TV commercial, how could one not think it was bound to fall.  But whatever the future holds for the famed TV commercial, lets not give up hope just yet.

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